The Processes Overview page ( provides a detailed view of all processes, helping you easily track, update, and manage them.

The Processes Overview table displays all your existing processes with the following details:
- Name: The name of the process, describing its purpose (e.g., Enterprise Customer Onboarding).
- Code: A unique identifier for each process (e.g., ECO, FA).
- Updated by: The email address of the user who last updated the process.
- Updated at: The most recent update time for the process
- Status: The current status of the process
- Complete: all information required in the process is mapped and the process can be used to create projects
- Draft: some information required in the process is missing and the process can not be used to create projects
- Actions: Options to manage the process, including a red “X” icon to delete the process
Below the table, clicking the “Add a new process” allows you to create a new process.